Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rant the First

Facebook, twitter, tumblr, this blog, livejournal, tagged, hi5, neopets (not to mention stuff IN those things, such as those addictive facebook games and twitpic). Dear God, I swear my mind couldn't keep my net-adventures in order if it was given twice the processing power. Half the time I can't remember which password goes with which account.

It was a miracle remembering my IMDb password today, really. I'd feel bad if I hadn't read an article recently on how humans suck at passwords so I know it's not me, it's my species, and well, I can't change that.

Honestly, what does one DO with so many social sites and sites about you sharing your thoughts with the world? My livejournal was successfully updated for quite a while until it wasn't. With twitter you at least know that as many people as are following you will read the less-than-140-characters you wrote, even if they won't REALLY. I mean, I have like 25 followers on twitter and I can't be sure any of them really read anything I write, and I really only have twitter to know when El Goonish Shive and Something Positive update.

But now that I HAVE a twitter I feel the need to POST in twitter. It's not an obligation, you know? I could just as easily just log on and see if anything of interest is there and then promptly do something else (such as feed my dying neopets (although they never do die, they just look hopeless and sad)) but the white box taunts me, tempts me. And anyone can write less than 140 characters. But writing in twitter... well, it reminds me of a quote that goes: "No one really listens to anyone else, and if you try it for a while you'll see why."

No one really reads what other people post on twitter, and if you try it for a while you'll see why.

I really just scan for the userpics of the few I am actually interested in reading (I follow around 25 people on twitter and I cannot fathom that number growing any more). But I am a bitch, and then I read some comments that make me want to be openly hostile to the person posting them. But, really, if I am annoyed THAT MUCH by a person, I can just unfollow them right?

Where am I going with all this? THAT I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH ALL THE STUFF THAT IS NIFTY ON THE WEB!!!! When is something tumblr-worthy instead of twitter-worthy? Am I not being a pretentious bastard just posting ANYTHING ANYWHERE!? If I post one too many pictures of my cats, will I have doomed myself to a life in a big, unhygienic, cat-filled house?

For the time being, I shall be content posting tidbits of my mind in twitter, and sharing a few of those tidbits on facebook. I shall bid adieu PERMANENTLY to hi5 and MySpace. I shall continue my on-and-off relationship with livejournal and neopets. And I shall continue to be confused as to what to do with my tumblr.

1 comment:

Axel said...

Information anxiety, anyone?

For all your password problems, look no further than to use KeePass. Really.