Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Into the Woods

I've been good and I've been kind, Mother,
Doing only what I learned from you.
Why then am I left behind, Mother,
Is there something more that I should do?
What is wrong with me, Mother?
Something must be wrong.
I wish-

Do you know what you wish?
Are you certain what you wish
Is what you want?
if you know what you want,
Then make a wish.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Books Speak to Me

There's this game where you get a red book (any red book, so long as it's red. How red? Just red. If it looks red to you and you're not colorblind, it probably works.) and you put your hand on it (whichever, if you don't have hands, use your feet. If you don't have feet, use your face. If you don't have a face, I can't help you.) and then you ask a question (any question, be it deep or stupid or personal or mean). You open the book to a random page, put your finger in a random place in that page without looking and then you read what is there. THAT is the answer to your question.


As much as I'd like to take all sorts of games like these with a grain of salt, I have been playing them since I was little and it is uncanny how some answers will sound so right. I know that the human mind is built to make connections, so vague answers are a sure way of getting "right" answers. If the words that you point at in the book are sort of, kinda related to what you asked, your brain will do the rest of the work.

Usually, however, the answer will be so right, so dead on, that my disbelief will not be able to jade me. And that is when I get not one or two answers that speak to me, but many. And the same question asked twice will only be answered with two different ways of saying the same message. The times when books tell me an answer I wanted or expected I am inclined to believe I'm just twisting their passages to my liking, but they have told me many uncomfortable truths, and they all seem to have their tempers. Some will be quite clear, others will be vague, others will simply not answer your questions. They will not show you a rare, inscrutable passage, they will plainly tell you they are in no mood to hear your inquiries.

Poetry books, in general, will be vague, although Milne seems to get his point across whether in prose or verse. And for some reason, no book seems too fond of answering questions about tattoos (something to do with ink, perhaps?). If you want short, simple answers, your best bet is a dictionary.

Now, supposedly it is The Devil answering the questions through the book. Which may or may not be true. I am not a Christian so I'm changing the way I look at this Devil. However it is always best to not take the books' answers for law, and consider yourself what is being said and the consequences of your actions before jumping ahead.

As for me, what is expected of me will not make me happy.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rant the First

Facebook, twitter, tumblr, this blog, livejournal, tagged, hi5, neopets (not to mention stuff IN those things, such as those addictive facebook games and twitpic). Dear God, I swear my mind couldn't keep my net-adventures in order if it was given twice the processing power. Half the time I can't remember which password goes with which account.

It was a miracle remembering my IMDb password today, really. I'd feel bad if I hadn't read an article recently on how humans suck at passwords so I know it's not me, it's my species, and well, I can't change that.

Honestly, what does one DO with so many social sites and sites about you sharing your thoughts with the world? My livejournal was successfully updated for quite a while until it wasn't. With twitter you at least know that as many people as are following you will read the less-than-140-characters you wrote, even if they won't REALLY. I mean, I have like 25 followers on twitter and I can't be sure any of them really read anything I write, and I really only have twitter to know when El Goonish Shive and Something Positive update.

But now that I HAVE a twitter I feel the need to POST in twitter. It's not an obligation, you know? I could just as easily just log on and see if anything of interest is there and then promptly do something else (such as feed my dying neopets (although they never do die, they just look hopeless and sad)) but the white box taunts me, tempts me. And anyone can write less than 140 characters. But writing in twitter... well, it reminds me of a quote that goes: "No one really listens to anyone else, and if you try it for a while you'll see why."

No one really reads what other people post on twitter, and if you try it for a while you'll see why.

I really just scan for the userpics of the few I am actually interested in reading (I follow around 25 people on twitter and I cannot fathom that number growing any more). But I am a bitch, and then I read some comments that make me want to be openly hostile to the person posting them. But, really, if I am annoyed THAT MUCH by a person, I can just unfollow them right?

Where am I going with all this? THAT I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH ALL THE STUFF THAT IS NIFTY ON THE WEB!!!! When is something tumblr-worthy instead of twitter-worthy? Am I not being a pretentious bastard just posting ANYTHING ANYWHERE!? If I post one too many pictures of my cats, will I have doomed myself to a life in a big, unhygienic, cat-filled house?

For the time being, I shall be content posting tidbits of my mind in twitter, and sharing a few of those tidbits on facebook. I shall bid adieu PERMANENTLY to hi5 and MySpace. I shall continue my on-and-off relationship with livejournal and neopets. And I shall continue to be confused as to what to do with my tumblr.

Webcomic: Savage Chickens

Savage Chickens

Savage Chickens began as chicken drawings on post-it notes. The chickens have become easier on the eyes and a plethora of creatures have appeared on it's yellow, square pages since then, but it's still funny (most of the time).

Monday, September 7, 2009

Webcomic panel: Shortpacked!

Some insight into the irony of large, very religious families.


But, as Robin shows, there's a reason for everything.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


My movie review on 300:

(As expressed by someone infinitely wiser than I)

"...It's a movie about mostly-naked men kicking absurd amounts of ass.

Either gender can enjoy it - chicks who don't like violence get eye-candy, gay dudes who don't like violence get eye-candy, chicks and gay dudes who do like violence get violence and eye-candy, and straight dudes get absurd amounts of violence.


EDIT: Gay ladies who don't like violence will really probably only enjoy one scene, though."

I think chicks and gay dudes who like violence are the one who get THE MOST out of this movie. I suppose that is why I love this movie so, so, so much.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fortune Cookies

Don't be afraid to take a chance when the opportunity of a lifetime appears.
Lucky Numbers: 7, 29, 34, 44, 17, 2

He who expects no gratitude shall never be disappointed.
Lucky Numbers: 20, 11, 28, 47, 38, 4

Love is a warm fire to keep the soul warm.
Lucky Numbers: 24, 33, 47, 9, 10, 21

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.
Lucky Numbers: 1, 25, 33, 37, 40, 8

Your home is a pleasant place from which you draw happiness.
Lucky Numbers: 46, 12, 14, 16, 33, 15

Friday, June 26, 2009


"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with."
~ Michael Jackson

"God gave women intuition and femininity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I've ever met."
~ Farrah Fawcett

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

C.B.O. (Cat Behavior Observations) # 1

Bridget seems to like laying by the front window where people see her and comment on how pretty/playful she is.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Good Intentions

I suppose it all comes from my dad's unending need to sort things that for a while I had the idea of having 3 blogs. One that would be about my day-to-day life, one that would be sort of a "job" blog (hard to describe, but it would basically consist of a sort of thing I'd do, icons for LJ, or maybe movie reviews, nothing ever came out of that idea, really), and one that would be in Spanish.

Now I have this blog, where I'm trying to join the first two ideas I had and it seems that in order to merge the third I would have to switch languages. Hum. I *am* Mexican, and I do *live* in Mexico, so it makes sense. And having a bilingual blog is sort of not my thing =P why? because I do believe it would lessen my readership.

Having TWO blogs... that seems to be THE thing for me to do. One in Spanish (this one) and one in English (my eljay).

Will it be done?

... it's a possibility.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I have a problem which I'm well aware of. This problem is that I tend to think I need to explain everything that I do when in fact most people I know don't really care or just want me to see doing things instead of explaining the whys of my doings.

And with that in mind, I'm going to explain what's up with this post.

I'm about to go into a writing phase and I hope that in a couple of months I at least have a rough draft of something big. This is all because I kind of want to be a writer (I still can't say or type that without imagining Society frowning at me, gods, what is wrong with me? and why the "kind of" part? Srsly! I want to be a writer dammit!) and I need to well, write. So instead of doing my usual "argh, must get something NEW", I'm using my blogger account and being all writer-ish on it.

And yes, I'm completely aware I need a TOPIC for that, but for now I'm done explaining why I'm doing things and I'd like to worry about HOW I shall be doing the things I'll be doing later, ok?


But if you'd like to help, I am open to topic suggestions =D