Friday, April 17, 2009

Good Intentions

I suppose it all comes from my dad's unending need to sort things that for a while I had the idea of having 3 blogs. One that would be about my day-to-day life, one that would be sort of a "job" blog (hard to describe, but it would basically consist of a sort of thing I'd do, icons for LJ, or maybe movie reviews, nothing ever came out of that idea, really), and one that would be in Spanish.

Now I have this blog, where I'm trying to join the first two ideas I had and it seems that in order to merge the third I would have to switch languages. Hum. I *am* Mexican, and I do *live* in Mexico, so it makes sense. And having a bilingual blog is sort of not my thing =P why? because I do believe it would lessen my readership.

Having TWO blogs... that seems to be THE thing for me to do. One in Spanish (this one) and one in English (my eljay).

Will it be done?

... it's a possibility.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I have a problem which I'm well aware of. This problem is that I tend to think I need to explain everything that I do when in fact most people I know don't really care or just want me to see doing things instead of explaining the whys of my doings.

And with that in mind, I'm going to explain what's up with this post.

I'm about to go into a writing phase and I hope that in a couple of months I at least have a rough draft of something big. This is all because I kind of want to be a writer (I still can't say or type that without imagining Society frowning at me, gods, what is wrong with me? and why the "kind of" part? Srsly! I want to be a writer dammit!) and I need to well, write. So instead of doing my usual "argh, must get something NEW", I'm using my blogger account and being all writer-ish on it.

And yes, I'm completely aware I need a TOPIC for that, but for now I'm done explaining why I'm doing things and I'd like to worry about HOW I shall be doing the things I'll be doing later, ok?


But if you'd like to help, I am open to topic suggestions =D